Monday 19 December 2011

Grapes Turn Purple

It was first noticed on Friday evening (four days ago) my grapes had given themselves a new coat. Not many of them but TWO. I told Yi Herng when he came home from his camping activity in the afternoon the next day. He slept over at his nursery school.

Four days down the road and the colour has deepened. It is now a dark purple! Would it change to black? I am not so sure. Let wait and see. However, I don't think I have to wait too long before I can try to taste the fruit as I had a slightest squeeze last night and it was soft! Ready to eat? I would need someone to the the mice. There are all together FIVE people in my house, Qiao Jun and her friend, Yi Herng and Leng. Who can be the mice?? Or should I ask: Who wants to be a mice?

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Grapes in My Yard

After my grape vein was planted early this year, there is a bunch of grapes seen as shown in the picture on the left. I first spoted the grapes on Thursday (27 Oct 2011) morning before leaving for work. The excitement was speechless! This is the first time my grape vein is producing fruit, no high expectation on the quality of the fruit (sweetness, size etc). The grapes are green and about the size of baked bean.

Monday 10 October 2011

Prune Time

Finally I plugged all the mangoes from mangoey. Right after harvesting the last fruit, I gave it a prune. The height reduced about 1 foot and the diameter should be around half a foot smaller after the pruning exercise.

Not just Mangoey had a trim, my ciku too! and more vigorous! The little mango in a pot also had the same fate. I am waiting to harvest the longan before pruning the longan tree.

In total, we obtained about 6 kilograms of mango this year, 50 % more than last year! In terms of the number of fruit, it is many times more than last year but because of heavy fruiting, the fruits were smaller.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Longan Still Fruiting

After 4 months since the first flowers were seen on my langan tree many more fruits are still in the size of a ~1 cm in diameter. Although we have tested the 4 fruits last week, the rest just seem to be too long to wait. The rippened fruits were big (as last year's) and sweet. The arome was fantastic! Unfortunately the tree can't produce too many fruit. I guess it is because the tree is still young. There are more fruit to come but the quantity is almost the same as last year.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Dimocarpus Longan

LonganJust been to the free Wikipedia and realised that Longan is also called dimocarpus longan.

Whatever, I have no intention to call it dimocarpus anyway. As the rule of naming our kittens, I will call my longan tree the "longany". Does it sound ok?

To my surprise, after my Sabah Trip, I noticed some tiny spherical bits (with diameter ~ 1 mm), thought to be the flowers of longan, appear on my longany.

They look almost like the new leaves with almost the same colour except that they are lighter. So far only three branches produce them.

I am quite sure that these tiny bits are longan flowers because my longan is the last one to produce fruit this round. A big longan tree two housing rows behind my house had fruits weeks ago. The two longan trees along the last row of the house in the "taman", where the playground is located, are fruiting with the size of the fruits is around 5 - 10 mm in diameter.

My son is excited about both mangoey and longany. He is full of expectation and imagination of the flavour the fruits will bring. How excited!

Mangoey Is Fruiting

Whilst my son calls his kittens Longy and Shorty, solely based on the length of the kittens' tail, I thought I might as well call my mango tree "Mangoey"!

It is the 2nd time (3rd to be exact, the first time was bought with fruits but all fell prematurely) fruiting. The last one was in Dec 2010. 7 months ago!

I noticed the flowers a couple of days before my Sabah trip (6-10 June 2011) but was amazed how heavy the bloom was this time when I saw them just a few days later. According to past experience I should expect some juicy mangoes by early August if everything goes well. I intend to buy/make some fruit protector (mesh/cloth) this time to protect the mangoes from insects expecially the fruit flies.

I have a mission to produce perfectly rippened on tree mangoes this round as I read somewhere sometimes ago that fully rippened on tree mangoes produce the maximum taste. My month is watering even just thinking of it....yum yum!

Monday 24 January 2011


Hurray! My first mangoes harvested!

Actually, one was picked in the first week of Jan 2011 and I can confirm it was not ready, but not far. I kept it wrapped with old newspaper, not one layer but manys. It took days to rippen. During my parent's visit on the 13 - 15 Jan 2011, I cut it and proudly shared with my parent. The taste wasn't the greatest but acceptable. My mum said it could be that I picked it too early. I agreed. 10 days after my parent went back to hometown I had another three picked. Shek Leng commented why don't let my son pick the fruit? Well, it was too late. (A few days later, I noticed one more turned yellowish and called my son to pick. He was reluctant at first but did it). So, I have 4 mango fruits at home. Still many on the tree. I have checked them yesterday and they are nearly ready. How excited!

Another few days to go before we break for chinese new year. I plan to pick most of my mangoes and bring home, just to share.....I was reading an article in 《有福同享》the guy was giving away his hard earn vegetables and fruits from his farm to his friends free, how nice if I can do so?